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Ýsmail Bilgin- Yahya Aða

Product Code : 270481
Short Product Description

Yahya Ağa, by İsmail Bilgin, tells the fascinating story of a notable Ottoman figure, combining rich historical detail with an engaging narrative.

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    • Açıklama:

      Yahya Ağa, İsmail Bilgin’in usta kaleminden çıkan, Osmanlı döneminin önemli figürlerinden birinin hayatını konu alan sürükleyici bir hikâyedir. Yazar, Yahya Ağa’nın başarılarla dolu serüvenini, dönemin tarihi atmosferiyle harmanlayarak okuyucuya etkileyici bir anlatım sunuyor.

      Barış Can’ın editörlüğünde hazırlanan eser, hikâye ve tarih tutkunlarını kendine çekecek, okçuluk ve Osmanlı kültürüne dair ipuçları barındıran ilgi çekici bir yapıt. Bu eser, hem Osmanlı dönemine ilgi duyanlar hem de insan hikâyeleriyle tarih arasında bir bağ kurmak isteyen okuyucular için özel bir okuma deneyimi sunuyor.

      Teknik Detaylar:

      • Yazar: İsmail Bilgin
      • Dil: Türkçe
      • Tür: Hikâye
      • Editör: Barış Can
      • ISBN: 987-625 77943 5-0

      Önemli Notlar:

      • Tarih ve Hikâye Bir Arada: Osmanlı tarihinden ilham alan, sürükleyici bir hikâye.
      • Karakter Odaklı: Yahya Ağa’nın yaşamı ve mücadeleleri üzerinden döneme ışık tutar.
      • Edebiyat ve Tarih Meraklılarına: Tarihi hikâyeleri seven okuyucular için ideal bir seçim.
  • Cancellation Policy

    To cancel your order, please email us your order number and information at 0 (216) 565 22 27 or mail us at Your transaction will be carried out if no shipment is made.

    How can I return it?

    • You may return the product you received, in the form you received it within seven (7) days from the date of delivery, without unpacking / destroying the product or using it. You must return the product with a petition or return form containing the product invoice, order number. • Open and check the packages in front of the company representative you are considering shipping damage to. If there is any damage to the product, do not take delivery of the product by keeping a record to the cargo company. Please note that you have accepted that the cargo company fully fulfills its duty once the product has been delivered. • If the customer returns the product, the returned product will be returned in ten (10) days from the date of receipt to us. Your credit card product is returned by your bank within seven (7) business days. Your credit card may not reflect your account on the same day. In this situation you need to call the credit-card services of your bank. Repayments made on installment sales are reflected by your bank as a balance plus monthly payment of your credit card. • Unpackaged, used, destroyed products are not accepted.
    • The shipping charge will be paid by the customer for products returned in accordance with the above conditions.
    • For return notification, you can get information by phone at 0 (216) 565 22 27 or by email at

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