Helix Finger Tab Metal review
07 January 2019
We review Helix Finger Tab Metal at this video. You can find more review video at this channel. You can subscribe for everything about archery.
Hoyt Prevail 2019 Ürün İncelemesi
28 December 2018Bu bölümümüzde sizler için Hoyt markasının Prevail makaralı yay modelini tanıttık. Okçuluk ile ilgili bir çok bilgi için kanalımıza abone olmayı unutmayın.
Çift Gözle Nişan Nasıl Alınır?
27 December 2018Bu bölümde iki gözü açık bir şekilde nişan almak isteyenlere işin püf noktalarını anlattık. Okçuluğa dair her şey için kanalımıza abone olmayı unutmayın.
Ok Güvenliği Nedir?
27 December 2018Bu bölümde ok güvenliği hakkında bilgileri sizlerle paylaştık. Okçuluğa dair her şey için kanalımıza abone olmayı unutmayın.
How to adjust center shot?
27 December 2018
We talk about what is center shot and how to adjust it at this video. Please subscribe to our channel for everything about archery.
How to adjust your arrow rest's launcher of compound bows?
27 December 2018
We explain how to adjust your arrow rest's launcher at this video. Don't forget subscribe to our channel for everything about Archery.
What is Spine?
27 December 2018
We explain how the arrows move after you shoot, what is Spine at this video. Don't forget to subscribe to our channel for everything about Archery!
What is the Clicker and how to use ? Everything about archery!
27 December 2018
We explain clicker, one important part we are using on the bows at this video. Don't forget to subscribe to our channel for everything about archery.
What is the Plunger and how to use it?
27 December 2018
We explain what is plunger and how to use it at this video. Don't forget to subscribe to our cahnnel for everything about archery.
How to adjust your Bracing Height?
27 December 2018
At this video, we explain about Bracing Height for both recurve and compound bows. Don't forget to subscribe to our channel for everything about Archery!
Recurve bows;
70 inch = 22-24cm
68 inch = 21-23.5cm
66 inch = 20.5-23cm
Recurve bows;
70 inch = 22-24cm
68 inch = 21-23.5cm
66 inch = 20.5-23cm